sábado, 7 de junio de 2008

Final evaluation of 1st Batxilleran

  • Observing you portfolio, can you see an improvement on your level of English sinse september 2007? Where, for example?

Yes. I find that there is an improvement. On the oral presentations.

  • Which activity best shows your level of english?

Listening (music, Hear people talk in English,..); Speaking (with annika); And oral presentation..

  • Which activities were real USEFUL for you improve your english? Why?

Oral presentation because well you get ready to expose an issue in front ofpeople.

  • Which activities did you not find useful to learn English? Why not?

All are useful, therefore I can not say that it is not.

  • Which activities did you enjoy doing and would like to do again next year?

More oral presentations.

Informal dialogue

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viernes, 6 de junio de 2008

Formal dialogue

Too much importance is given to exams at school. Do you agree?
I agree with this topic.
The exams are important but not all the tests. Every day people say that to have a good future with a good job you have to have good mark and more study. But there are not people who had good grades and now has the best works.
And then, people who can not study, which has no economic resources, does it? Not deserve a good future?
I believe that testing is important, but not so much as make believe.
One people has had a good future or work not with good marks in school.

miércoles, 4 de junio de 2008


This fish it's say Yoyo like mine.

Yoyo is a 'apestosi' fish because you clean "your house" today, and tomorrow be dirty again.

Not long ago the fish company, but entertains look how little they do.

They say that fish which may have at home do not last more than a year, but my fish, the real, what gave me my 17 b-day and still lasts.

this is my pet!!!
bye bye*

lunes, 2 de junio de 2008

Opinion essay (on the respect to our world)

I disagree because the world is nice, but people are not aware of respectability.
environment, extinction, water shortages, many deaths in third world l, oil, wears, this is what hurts every day to the world, and nobody does anything to stop it.
however, if people propose contaminate a few months, not spend so much water, recycle, etc.. none of this does not happen. But people complain about pollution and gives them blame the government, but do not realize that the main culprits are they?
When they realize the damage they have done to the world and want to fix it will be too late.
¿That you think?

viernes, 23 de mayo de 2008


Alexander Fleming

In September, 1906, Alexander Fleming discober the antibiotics by accident.

An antibiotic is a drug used to treat a bacterial infection.

The discovery of antibiotics revolutionized health and has come to say is that the breakthrough in health since the adoption of disinfection

the first antibiotic is penicilina and anothers antibiotics are:

In some cases, antibiotics are unnecessarily prescribed by the doctors themselves, sometimes by pressure from the patient and sometimes even without the patient's request.

psychological disorder

Today Àngels and I, have made a presentation of psychological disorders.

Is a very 'difficult' topyc to explain.

We talked about the Depression, the Esquisofrenia and psychological disorders.

the psychological disorders are: Anorexia and Bulimia.


Anorexia is a common symptom in many diseases and physiological situations consisting of decreased appetite, which can lead to a decrease in food intake.

Bulimia is a mental disorder related to food.